Permalinks - Redirect

General information

Depending on the document type and language, the client is redirected to the most recent document.









Parameter Type Description
doctype String Valid values are: aosp ( | Annex IV – Periodisch Ökologische und/oder soziale Merkmale (Art. 8)), anip ( | Annex V – Periodisch Nachhaltiges Investitionsziel (Art. 9)), Zb ( | Zwischenbericht), aos (Annex Ecological and/or social characteristics (Art. 8) | Annex II – Vorvertraglich Ökologische und/oder soziale Merkmale (Art. 8)), bekanntmachung (Announcements | Bekanntmachung), jb (Annual report | Jahresbericht), fsprivat-d (Factsheet private investors (daily) | Factsheet Privatanleger (täglich)), fsprivat (Factsheet private investors (monthly) | Factsheet Privatanleger (Ultimo)), fsinstitutionell-d (Factsheet professional investors (daily) | Factsheet Institutionelle Anleger (täglich)), fsinstitutionell (Factsheet professional investors (monthly) | Factsheet Institutionelle Anleger (Ultimo)), an (Impact of sustainability risks | Auswirkungen von Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken), 307 (Information document according to § 307 KAGB | Informationsdokument nach § 307 KAGB), ani (Investment Sustainable Investment Goal (Art. 9) | Annex III – Vorvertraglich Nachhaltiges Investitionsziel (Art. 9)), priips (Key information sheet (PRIIPs) | Basisinformationsblatt (PRIIPs)), kid (Key investor informations | Wesentliche Anlegerinformationen), vkp (Prospectus | Verkaufsprospekt), hjb (Semi-annual report | Halbjahresbericht), no (Sustainability-Related Disclosures | Nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Offenlegungen).
isin String International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)
lang String Valid values are ISO 639-1 codes, e.g.: de, en, fr ...
country String Valid values are ISO 3166 alpha-2 codes, e.g.: de, at, lu, ch, fr ...


The response has the HTTP status code 301 and a location header that redirects to the requested file.

The body of the response is empty.


Code Problem Description
400 DocType ist nicht gültig. No document type could be found for the provided document type name.
400 ISIN ist nicht gültig. No fund could be found for the provided ISIN.
400 Es konnte keine Datei ermittelt werden. For some reasons for the fund there is no document provided by the Fund-API.