Examples of fund prices

Current fund prices realized with PHP

This PHP based example fetches the fund prices API endpoint by cURL and places all parts in a HTML structure.

HANSArenta (DE0008479015)

Datum: 14.02.2018

Ausgabepreis 25,029 EUR
Rücknahmepreis 24,183 EUR
Net asset value 24,183 EUR
Differenz zum Vortag -0,030 EUR
Wertentwicklung in % seit 31.12.2017 -0,750%
all fund details

// Get cURL resource
$curl = curl_init();

// Set some options - we are passing in a useragent too here
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.hansainvest.com/api/v1/prices-current/DE0008479015/',
    CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Sample cURL Request',
        'Content-Type: application/json'

// Send the request & save response to $respJson
$respJson = curl_exec($curl);
$fundPrices = json_decode($respJson);

// Close request to clear up some resources


<h3 class="hi-fundprices-title">Current fund prices for <?php echo $fundPrices->fund->name; ?> (<?php echo $fundPrices->fund->isin; ?>)</h3>
<h4 class="hi-fundprices-date">Date: <?php echo date('d.m.Y', strtotime($fundPrices->prices->date)); ?></h4>
<table class="table hi-fundprices-table">
            <th scope="row"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->issue_price->name; ?></th>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-issue_price"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->issue_price->value; ?> <?php echo $fundPrices->currency; ?></td>
            <th scope="row"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->repurchase_price->name; ?></th>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-repurchase_price"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->repurchase_price->value; ?> <?php echo $fundPrices->currency; ?></td>
            <th scope="row"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->net_asset_value->name; ?></th>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-net_asset_value"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->net_asset_value->value; ?> <?php echo $fundPrices->currency; ?></td>
            <th scope="row"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->change->name; ?></th>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-change"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->change->value; ?> <?php echo $fundPrices->currency; ?></td>
            <th scope="row"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->performance->name; ?></th>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-performance"><?php echo $fundPrices->prices->performance->value; ?>%</td>
<a class="hi-fundprices-link" href="<?php echo $fundPrices->fund->url; ?>">all fund details</a>

Historic fund prices realized with PHP

This PHP based example fetches the fund prices API endpoint by cURL and places all parts in a HTML structure.

HANSAsecur (DE0008479023)

Datum Ausgabepreis Rücknahmepreis Net asset value Differenz zum Vortag Kalenderjährliche Wertentwicklung
28.12.2017 48.064 EUR 45.775 EUR 45.775 EUR 0.030 EUR 13.070%
29.12.2017 47.781 EUR 45.506 EUR 45.506 EUR -0.270 EUR 12.410%
02.01.2018 47.539 EUR 45.275 EUR 45.275 EUR -0.230 EUR -0.260%
03.01.2018 47.568 EUR 45.303 EUR 45.303 EUR 0.030 EUR -0.200%
04.01.2018 47.924 EUR 45.642 EUR 45.642 EUR 0.340 EUR 0.550%
05.01.2018 48.479 EUR 46.170 EUR 46.170 EUR 0.530 EUR 1.710%
all fund details

// Get cURL resource
$curl = curl_init();

// Set some options - we are passing in a useragent too here
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.hansainvest.com/api/v1/prices-historic/DE0008479023/2017-12-01/2018-02-01/',
    CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Sample cURL Request',
        'Content-Type: application/json'

// Send the request & save response to $respJson
$respJson = curl_exec($curl);
$fundPrices = json_decode($respJson);

// Close request to clear up some resources

<h3 class="hi-fundprices-title">Historic fund prices for <?php echo $fundPrices->fund->name; ?> (<?php echo $fundPrices->fund->isin; ?>)</h3>
<table class="table hi-fundprices-table">
            <th scope="col">
            <th scope="col">
                <?php echo $fundPrices->prices[0]->issue_price->name; ?>
            <th scope="col">
                <?php echo $fundPrices->prices[0]->repurchase_price->name; ?>
            <th scope="col">
                <?php echo $fundPrices->prices[0]->net_asset_value->name; ?>
            <th scope="col">
                <?php echo $fundPrices->prices[0]->change->name; ?>
            <th scope="col">
                <?php echo $fundPrices->prices[0]->performance->name; ?>
        <?php foreach ($fundPrices->prices as $historicPrice): ?>
            <th scope="row"><?php echo date('d.m.Y', strtotime($historicPrice->date)); ?></th>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-issue_price"><?php echo $historicPrice->issue_price->value; ?> <?php echo $fundPrices->currency; ?></td>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-repurchase_price"><?php echo $historicPrice->repurchase_price->value; ?> <?php echo $fundPrices->currency; ?></td>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-net_asset_value"><?php echo $historicPrice->net_asset_value->value; ?> <?php echo $fundPrices->currency; ?></td>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-change"><?php echo $historicPrice->change->value; ?> <?php echo $fundPrices->currency; ?></td>
            <td class="hi-fundprices-performance"><?php echo $historicPrice->performance->value; ?>%</td>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
<a class="hi-fundprices-link" href="<?php echo $fundPrices->fund->url; ?>">all fund details</a>