Fund profile endpoint
Get fund profile information for one fund
Param | Description | Notice |
isin | International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) | Mandatory This is part of the endpoint's URL. |
format | Format of the response data (json or xml ) |
Not necessary to provide as URL part. When provided it will overwrite the Accept-Header. See details. |
language | Language of the response data (de or en ) |
Not necessary to provide as URL part. When provided it will overwrite the Accept-Language-Header. See details. |
Fund profile data
This endpoint returns the following fund profile data:
Field | Type | Description |
fund | Object | List of all fund data |
name | String | Fund name |
isin | String | International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) |
wkn | String | Wertpapierkennnummer (WKN) – german |
category | String | Fund category |
fund_inception_date | Date (ISO) | Fund inception date |
status_date | Date (ISO) | Status date |
url | String | Link (URL) to fund details on |
currency | String | The currency in which the fund is traded |
benchmark | String | The name of the associated benchmark (optional) |
fund_assets | String | Value and currency for the fund assets |
total_fund_assets | String | Value and currency for the total fund assets |
end_of_fiscal_year | String | End of the fiscal year for the fund |
dividend_distributions | String | Use of the fund's performance (distributing/accumulating) |
conformity | Boolean | Is conforminaty given |
issue_surcharge | Float/double | Issue surcharge in % |
redemption_fee | Float/double | Redemption fee in % |
total_expense_ratio | Float/double | Total expense ratio (TER) in % |
management_fee | Float/double | Management fee in % |
custodian_bank_fee | Float/double | Custodian payments in % |
performance_fee | Boolean | Is there a performance fee (optional) |
savings_plan | Object | Is investing as a savings plan possible and is there a minimum investment (optional). |
one_time_investment | Object | Is investing as one-time investment possible and is there a minimum investment (optional). |
capital_forming_payments | Object | Is investing as capital-forming payments ("Vermögenswirksame Leistungen/VL") possible and is there a minimum investment (optional). |
See the following examples for data types JSON and XML.
Example return (JSON)
"fund": {
"name": "HI Topselect D",
"isin": "DE0009817726",
"wkn": "981772",
"category": "Umbrella fund",
"fund_inception_date": "2001-05-17",
"status_date": "2023-03-16",
"url": "",
"currency": "EUR",
"total_fund_assets": "18988054.5000 EUR",
"benchmark": "10% Euro STOXX 50 / 90% REXP",
"end_of_fiscal_year": "Aug 31",
"dividend_distributions": "accumulating",
"conformity": true,
"issue_surcharge": 5,
"redemption_fee": 0,
"total_expense_ratio": 2.89,
"management_fee": 1.8,
"custodian_bank_fee": 0.05,
"performance_fee": 1,
"savings_plan": {
"possible": true
"one_time_investment": {
"possible": true
"capital_forming_payments": {
"possible": true,
"minimum_investment": "34.00 EUR"
Example return (XML)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>HI Topselect D</name>
<category>Umbrella fund</category>
<total_fund_assets>18988054.5000 EUR</total_fund_assets>
<benchmark>10% Euro STOXX 50 / 90% REXP</benchmark>
<end_of_fiscal_year>Aug 31</end_of_fiscal_year>
<minimum_investment>34.00 EUR</minimum_investment>
Code | Problem | Description |
400 | No ISIN provided | For the used endpoint it is necessary to provide the ISIN to identify the fund. |
404 | There is no fund with this ISIN: [ISIN] | No fund can be found for the provided ISIN. |
403 | It is not permitted to get data for the fund with ISIN: [ISIN] | For some reasons for the fund there is no data provided by the Fund-API. |
Error response (example)
"title": "No ISIN provided",
"type": "",
"status": 404