
Data formats

There are currently 3 data formats for response data:

  • JSON
  • XML
  • HTML

Format as HTTP header

To request the wished response data format, it is possible to use the Accept header.

Format Accept-Header
Accept: application/json
Accept: application/xml
Accept: text/html

Format as query parameter

As an alternativ it is possible to use a query param

Format Query param

Data languages

There are currently 2 languages for response data:

  • de: German
  • en: English

Language as HTTP header

To request the wished response language, it is possible to use the Accept-Language header.

Format Accept-Language-Header
Accept-Language: de
Accept-Language: en

Language as query parameter

As an alternativ it is possible to use a query param

Format Query param


Fund data may be protected and then require authentication. It is implemented as Basic access authentication, so the API endpoints should only be accessed through server-side requests. If you would like to use authentication (e.g. as a fund owner), please feel free to contact our support team.

If you want to use authentication (e.g. as owner of a fund) feel free to contact our support team.

API credentials as HTTP header

To request possible to use the Authorization header. The hash is a BASE64 encoded string of:

username + : + password

Authorization: Basic <HASH>

Basic fund data

All funds specific endpoints return some basic fund information for the chosen fund:

Field Type Description
fund Object List of basic fund data
  name String Fund name
  isin String International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)
  wkn String Wertpapierkennnummer (WKN) – german
  fund_inception_date Date (ISO) Fund inception date
  status_date Date (ISO) Status date
  url String Link (URL) to fund details on hansainvest.com

See the following examples for data types JSON and XML.

Example return (JSON)

    "fund": {
        "name": "3ik-Strategiefonds I Class I",
        "isin": "DE000A1H44G8",
        "wkn": "A1H44G",
        "fund_inception_date": "2011-12-01",
        "status_date": "2023-03-16",
        "url": "https://fondswelt.hansainvest.com/de/fonds/details/151"

Example return (XML)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <name>3ik-Strategiefonds I Class I</name>


Code Problem Description
400 No ISIN provided For the used endpoint it is necessary to provide the ISIN to identify the fund.
404 There is no fund with this ISIN: [ISIN] No fund can be found for the provided ISIN.
403 It is not permitted to get data for the fund with ISIN: [ISIN] For some reasons for the fund there is no data provided by the Fund-API.

Error response (example)

    "title": "No ISIN provided",
    "type": "https://api.hansainvest.com/docs/v1/endpoints/index/#error-400-noisin",
    "status": 404